1:1 FG42 type 1 Resin Dummy Armament
Has planned the receiver will integrated in the tube, need to think about how to cast it. Resin casting principle should be that simple as possible but can produce a perfect copy. From previous experience, the mold must have a filling and air vent holes are far from each other. Therefore the master model must be modified by adding some form in accordance with the design of liquid resin flow. There will be additional work to clean up the additional form, but it is difficult to avoid, especially for the gravity casting process. Of the various possible placements fill holes, it looks like from the front top is the best choice.
Since the model making machine we use has only 3 axis, it needs to be handled by dividing the model into two parts left and right.
Special to the magazine hole will cast separately to avoid the risk of failure due to form such a way. Furthermore the top side will be processed after the two sides of the model together. The process of marking can be done separately in accordance which side that is being processed.

Next up is the thing most in need of patience that is the process of straightening and smoothing part. Master model must be perfect in order to produce perfect molds and copies as well.
Also useful to spray a thin layer paint to see the quality of form and texture of the master model. The next step is making a negative mold with a silicon rubber
The receiver mold from silicon rubber

Casting process with special water treatment. Since it contains a large amount of resin and resulting crack, the mold need to dip in the water to slow the curring time.
Some trapped bubble still appear
Magazine slot
Magazine lock
The iron sight