1:1 FG42 type 1 Resin Dummy Armament
The model design in 3D
The model design in 3D
FG42 is the assault rifle that has a unique configuration does not like WW2 guns in general. I see the interesting parts are butt stock, pistol grip, side magazine and bi-pod. A good model should display some features like a real gun.
The long process are describe as follows:
1. Creating a 3D model of full scale exterior surface, with details including the marking.
2. Designing a system in accordance with the desired function, by considering the mounting system, construction, moveable parts, manufacturing parts and casting methods.
3. Parts planning and master model.
4. CNC Programming and simulation.
5. Machining process of each parts.
6. Molds making according to the requirement of each parts.
7. Part casting.
8. Parts cleaning and primary painting.
9. Assembling, finishing-effect, and coatings.
After consider various possibilities it was decided to design a model with the following specifications:
-Display dummy model, as a souvenir or decoration. For security and law reasons some parts are made do not work are like trigger, sliders and the clogged barrel hole.
-Some parts can be enabled on a limited basis including gun sight, bayonets and bi-pod.
-To demand delivery model should be as light as possible but still sturdy, some parts can be separated by removing the pin fastener.
-To add strength, given the reinforcing metal in some parts.
-Some of the dimensions are determined based on estimates.
-The components include a receiver, magazines, butt, pistol grip, front grip, bi-pod mount, bi-pod and suppressor.
The arrangement of parts as shown below.
The main construction is 2 parallel tube that serves as the main frame with a part attached to the tube. Most part made with resin material. Thus there are two possible ways of casting resin that is directly on the tube or allowing the part to be released separately.
Parts can be made solid or hollow depending on the function of the strength or weight reduction. Hollow part done by making two parts (left-right) and put together with an adhesive, using woven fiber reinforcing material.
The details of parts as shown bellow.
Thus it can be broken down techniques to be used for casting based components:
-Receiver, solid casting directly on the tubes, the metal reinforcement on gun sight holder.
-Butt stock, hollow casting
-Pistol grip, hollow casting
-Front grip, hollow casting or using wood material.
-Bi-pod mount, solid casting with metal reinforcement on the sling hook and bolt holes.
-Bi-pod, casting from 2 sides mold with woven fiber.
-Suppressor, solid casting with metal reinforcement on the bayonet holder and gun sight holder.
-Magazine, hollow casting